
This is the astounding story of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ -And how it involves YOU!

Friday, November 4, 2011

7 Major Facts About Christianity

There are about one billion people that say that they are Christians. Most of these call themselves Catholics, although majority of all non-Catholic Christians are in old mainline liberal and reformed denominations such as Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Adventists or Baptist. Some are in independent Bible churches. You could be an atheist, a Buddhist, Muslim, or whatever, and you're welcome read this article.

JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. Some Christian denominations don't believe this, and some denominations believe otherwise. If you're a Jew, Jehovah's Witness, or Mormonist, you pretty much hold a different view. What you are, or whatever you believe in, don't matter much to me because there are so many documents, so much literature, so many scrolls, so much history you can study, to back up this fact. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem between 4th and 7th BC, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn were in conjunction and the astronomers can proved this. This is what the Magi saw. There was a Jesus Christ, even non biblical sources say this and time and ink will not permit me to start prove that He is the Son of God, but i absolutely believe that He is. The purpose of this article is for you to completely believe that Christianity is a pure religion that it is backed by facts and not fallacy.

The early Christian leaders were not picked because of their position in the community or the size of their bank account. Some merited their Episcopal position because of their evangelism of the lost, others because of their zeal for the gospel, and they did not love their lives even unto death. Examples of such early church fathers are Irenaeus, Origen, Eusebius, Jerome, and St. Augustine, amongst others. These formed the pillars of the Christian faith that we are associated with today.

The early Christians had wonderful fellowship with each other and with Jesus. They were not building large churches or having country club meetings, rather, they inculcated a kind of Christ-like fellowship with the Father and this made other unbelievers to call them the name "Christians". They met regularly to expound Bible passages and implemented Christ-like morals into their daily lives. Many, to be all inclusive and to reach non-Christians, have made their fellowship once weekly and it is actually a time of entertainment rather than a time to feed the flock, worship God and to provide the message of the kingdom of God.

Those who were first admonished as Christians manifested their faith through accompanying signs. They spoke in new tongues, they prophesied, and their prophecies came to pass for others to see and believe. The Holy Spirit was obviously working through all born again believers then, even as He is now, and Christians could easily cast out demons and heal sick people in the society through the powerful name of Jesus. Those Christians knew themselves as God's special anointed leaders.

The centerpiece of Christianity is the spiritual endowment that is exhibited by the followers of Christ. When Christ resurrected, He gave gifts to as many that dared to believe in Him. Some, he gave prophetic gifts, some, He endowed with the gift of healing, some with gift of teaching. To many, He gave the gift of wisdom, yet to some, He gave the gift of giving, Too many Christians walking about today don't even know how powerfully gifted they are in all kinds of workmanship.

I absolutely believe Jesus rose from the dead. Not because the Bible said so; not because I've been to His Grave to see that His body was not there; not because some preacher pressured me to agree with his/her persuasive words of natural wisdom; not because He's the most written about, most talked about, most argued about, or most controversial Person in human history; but simply because my entire hope of salvation rest on the fact that He rose from the dead. And I cannot believe otherwise because He rose from the dead, he was the Son of God and Christianity is true. Christianity rests on the resurrection. If the resurrection didn't happen, then Christianity is a big joke, and if the resurrection happened, then Christianity is legit. It all stands or falls on that.

Christianity is the only Religion that teaches the gospel truth. Well, Islam did okay. They didn't do great harm to the gospel of Jesus Christ, no insult to anybody, but Islam is not characterized by heavenly standards of living. I don't want to get into Islam. That's like a whole other thing. Some denominations teach that Christians are to live like early Israelites. They promise their members that if they can keep the whole law, they will eventually go to heaven to dwell with God. Knowing fully well that no man can be completely guiltless with regards to the law, they leave faithful believers completely shattered and bewildered whenever they fall short of the grace of God through their sins. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as seen from the four gospels is very clear: Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

Remember, Satan is a master deceiver. He has forged many forms of false believes all over the world. He counterfeits the truth in endless ways, and God's calling process is no exception. Be certain of whether you are being called at this time. You must decide whether you grasp the truths of this article-whether you are being given the opportunity for salvation now!

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