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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sequence Of Events That Will Immediately Precede the End of the World as Revealed to the Church

Recently, Calls have been made for a predictions registry, a means by which we might hold modern-day prognosticators accountable for their predictions. This is a great idea, and if we are objective in setting up our predictions registry, the source which ranks as the #1 most reliable repository of information concerning the future is clear. That source is the Bible.

More than 25% of the Bible is prophecy. And every prophecy except those concerning the "last days" and the millennial kingdom of Christ that will follow have been precisely fulfilled with 100% accuracy.
Some of these prophecies, such as Jeremiah's claim that Israel would be taken into captivity for a period of 70 years by the Babylonians, were written decades before fulfillment. Others, such as Ezekiel's forecast of the exact year in which Israel would be re-established as a nation, were written 2,500 years before fulfillment.

The Sequence Of Events That Will Immediately Precede the End of the World are:

1) General Signs of the Times
2) The Re-establishment of Israel as an Independent Nation
3) The War of Gog/Magog
4) The Rapture
5) Revival of the Roman Empire
6) The Rise of a Global Dictator
7) The Revival of Babylon as a Great City
8) The Appearance of Two Supernatural Witnesses
9) A Great Rebellion Against God

The most credible source of information on future events, the Bible, somehow explains in sequence the key events to look before the final battle between the armies of God, and that of satan. This battle is tagged by most theologians as the battle of Armageddon. Yet despite the millions of people who attend church and synagogue every week and the existence of countless books on the subject, most people are simply unaware how this battle will eventually shape up in the end time.
It's my hope that this site will raise awareness of the existence of Bible prophecy so that others may investigate the evidence for themselves.
The Bible clearly tells us what will happen in the end times.

In so doing, the Bible clearly tells us what will happen in your future.
The exact dates on which they will be fulfilled are not yet known, but given the Bible's track record, it's reasonable to assume each and every prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter.
This is a good thing, because when Christ returns, all the evils of this world will melt away in his presence.

So if you see the aforementioned events taking place, remember this invitation from Jesus,the invitation he extends to all, when he says, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28

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