The earliest church on earth was founded at the time when men began to call upon the name of the Lord (this started towards the end of Genesis 4). Then, men started a search for God. However, the first Church in the Scriptures was established as early as Genesis 5:22, which states that “Enoch walked with God.”
The whole essence of God is worship. God is always seeking for those who are worshipping Him. The more an individual worships God and gives glory to His name, the more Church that individual has inside of Him. Before the days of Enoch, men had not known the Church because they had not known God. Enoch was the first after Adam to find God. And he became a friend of God by constantly worshipping and walking with Him. The Bible also states in Genesis 6:9 that “Noah walked with God.” This is what God expects from every Church of His today. At the same time, the devil has also been seeking for worshippers; because he always wants to mimic God’s style. The Creator seeks your worship, and Satan, seeking to be like the Creator, wants your worship too, so which will you choose?
Though the Church has changed her way and manner of worship over many generations, this has done little to wear or tear God’s unfailing affection for His Church. The way and manner Enoch, Job, and Elijah worshipped God in the Old Testament has not changed a great deal. The emergence of the New Testament church came as Christ died on the cross. The veil of the temple was torn open, marking the end of worshipping God in temples and synagogues as the only way to worship God (John 4:20-24).
Laying the foundation of the Christian Church
The founder of the Christian Church is God, as opposed to the idea that Peter founded the Church. It is sacrilege to believe such heretical doctrine because Peter never founded any Church; neither was he the head of any Church. Like all true Believers, Peter is a living stone in the temple of God –which is the Church. Peter and Paul both died at Rome, but there is no historical evidence to suggest that any of them founded any Church while ministering there. So he says in 1 Peter 2:4-5: “Coming to him as a living stone, rejected indeed by men but chosen by God and precious, you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”. God used Peter and the early apostles, to lay the foundation of the spiritual temple of God, which is the Church. It is a common belief that many Churches were founded by the apostles, especially Paul. We know that Christ promised Peter saying: “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” This statement was not referring to the founding of any denomination or religion. Christ was simply referring to the very foundation of His Church, which will consequently be built by Him, but through the first sermon of Peter.
On the day of Pentecost, Peter, Mary the mother of Jesus, together with one hundred and twenty others (Acts 1:13-15) were gathered in “one accord” (Acts 2:1) when the New Testament Church came into existence. They were many apostles and other believers in the room that were equally filled with the Holy Spirit, but only Peter stood up to address the crowd, and 3,000 converts were baptized (vs. 41), thus fulfilling Christ promise to him. That formed the very foundation (Spiritually) of Christ’ Church.
The initial description given was that: “…they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship” (vs. 42), “… all that believed were together” (vs. 44) and “…they, continuing daily with one accord…did eat their meat (food) with gladness and singleness of heart” (vs. 46). Do you know of any Church organization in the world today that does this? From the above verses, we can clearly see that the Church Jesus built was made up of people who lived in unity—agreement—over doctrine, and were together in all things. Now verse 47 concludes: “And the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.” In the Church of God, our Lord Jesus Christ guides and directs it. He is the One who adds to it and builds it!
The apostles won converts for Christ in diverse places, and anywhere those converts worshipped God, that place was called ‘the Church of God at -‘place of worship’. For example, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 1:2 writes: “To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ, both theirs and ours.”
The name of the Church Jesus Built
There are twelve separate places where the New Testament records that the Church Jesus Built is kept in the name of God. Five refer to the entire Church, or body of Christ, as a whole. Another four speak of a specific local congregation, while using the same term “Church of God.” Three other references speak collectively of all the individual local congregations combined.
All these references use the term “Churches of God” (Acts 20:28; I Cor. 1:2; 10:32; 11:16, 22; 15:9; II Cor. 1:1; Gal. 1:13; I Tim. 3:5, 15; I Thes. 2:14; II Thes.1:4). In modern days, various mainstream denominations may have adopted the name “Church of God” with a few affixes, but are teaching variety of false doctrines.
Reconciling the Modern Church and New Testament’ Church of God
One noticeable difference between the Church of now, and the New Testament Church, is that the early disciples worshipped in small groups. It is sufficient to gather as a family and pray daily; or worship together with few like-minded believers in a designated house or location like the Apostles did. God wants all believers –Jews and non-Jews – to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman: “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:21-24).
Therefore, let us who profess to love God, worship Him in Spirit and truth. And like the patriarchs of old, erect an altar (a holy and sincere heart) to the Lord wherever you pitch your tent. We do not need more denominations or organizations, nor do we need to participate in the institutions engaged in apostasy today. The home Church that was established in Eden, affirmed in the Gospel, and was maintained by early commandment-keeping Apostles.
· Be it, Catholicism, (For more than a thousand years the Roman Catholic Church was the principal church of Christianity, and have since divided into different sects like Protestantism, Pentecostalism, evangelicalism, Anabaptism, Methodism, and more);
· Islamism (founded by Mohammed 622 A.D.);
· Judaism (originated from Moses, and assumed its modern form in 586 B.C.)
· Buddhism (founded in 6th c. B.C. by Gautama Buddha);
· Bahaism (founded by Baha’u’llah in 1863 and incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets);
· Confucianism (by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, at the end of 6th B.C.);
· Hinduism (one of the oldest religion, founded since 2000 B.C. by the indigenous Indians; it spreads into Yoga, Brahmanism, Krishnaism, Shaktism, Shivaism, Vishnuism, and Vedism. It is a religion of the majority of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal);
· Shintoism (indigenous religion of the Japanese, characterized by a veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors, founded in the 6th c. and was revived in the 17th c.);
· Unitarianism (developed in Poland in the late 16th c., stresses individual freedom of belief and rejects the Trinity);
· Animism or Animalism (Animism is the doctrinal belief that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls, Animism is common among primitive peoples, mostly practiced in Thailand. On the other hand, Animalists holds the doctrine that there is a no distinction between man and animal, that human beings are purely animal in nature and lack any spiritual nature);
· Shamanism (Another animistic religion);
· Atheism (a godless religion);
· Pantheism (a religion that tolerates all gods or The doctrine or belief that God is the universe and regards the universe as a manifestation of God)
· Second Adventism (Adventism is strongly Protestant and observes Saturday as the Sabbath, while Second Adventism holds the view that the second coming of Jesus as Judge for the Last Judgment is imminent);
· or any other new age movement or “ism”; Such as: Nihilism, The delusion that everything, including the self, do not exist; a senseless doctrine that everything is unreal. Scientism, (associated with American writer, L. Ron Hubbard in 1955), characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment;
· And Traditionalism (a religious teaching that strictly believes that all cultural and traditional knowledge of doctrines are divine revelation and that it is transmitted from ancestral generations, it is a common religious practice of most of Africa):
The Church Jesus built is not exclusive to any of these “isms”. The true Church knows what lies ahead for humanity—including both the short-term bad news and the long-term good news. True Christians understand prophecy and do not take matters into their own hands to try and play the role of Christ by organising followers after themselves. The Church Jesus built is not involved in ‘image laundering of its founding members or overseers.’.
The Emerging “Third Way” of Apostate Religion and Globalism
The campaigners of one of America’s fastest growing religious spiritual movements, “The Emergent Church” champions the neo-Marxist call for a utopian society through spiritual evolution where good and evil merge to form a better “third way”. This idea derives from the belief system of German philosopher, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and finds its contemporary manifestation in the “Third Way” movement of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Barak Obama. In the Third Way, capitalism, socialism, and communism merge to form a misanthropic combination of the three. The Third Way promotes a toxic blend of communism, socialism, atheism, and cosmic humanitarianism. This blend is now represented in simple terms like “The New World Order” and “The New Enlightenment.” The Third Way believes in universal health care, government-subsidized housing, agriculture, crude enregy, education, and global radical environmentalism or “green politics”, and the likes. To hear evangelicals tell us that we need practices that were never spelt out in the Bible to become more like Christ or to get closer to God is astonishing. What is more astonishing is that colleges, seminaries, and church denominations are requiring their students and members to study practices that are relics of Medieval Rome, not found in the Bible, and closely akin to the practices of manly pagan societies.
The bottom line is that, the Interfaith Church Movement, the Emergent Subversive Church Movement, and the Spiritual Reformation Movement all lead to the richly endowed Harlot Church of Revelation chapter 17. The Church of God portrayed in Revelation 12, shows man that he is utterly incapable of governing himself or solving his problems without the help of God! We read how Christ prayed in John 17, “Sanctify them through Your TRUTH: Your word is TRUTH.” The Church that Christ founded, believes and teaches the plain truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth!
This is the astounding story of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ -And how it involves YOU!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
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